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9 Barracuda Fish Facts You Need To Know

Barracuda fish facts - main - peces barracuda

Barracudas are curious animals that have inspired the naming of many things: A song, a cocktail, a multinational cybersecurity company, a book that tells the strangest pirate story ever told, football teams and other sports, and even a statue in Colombia has the name of this fish, but in this article, we will only talk about barracuda fish facts.


1. What Is a Barracuda

Silvery, long, and with a cylindrical body, a barracuda is like a bullet, and it can move almost as fast. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves telling barracuda fish facts, let’s start at the beginning.

The barracuda is a carnivorous saltwater fish of the Sphyraena spp genus. It is usually found in the tropics and subtropics.

Barracuda’s Scientific Name is Sphyraena Sphyraena, but it has other common names such as cuda, kaku, barra, or Commerson’s sea pike, among others.


2. What Do Barracudas Eat

As we have just said, barracudas are carnivorous, voracious predators of other smaller fish. Their favorite dishes are sardines, herring, or horse mackerel, which usually swim in schools. Although they also eat shrimp and octopuses.


  • Barracuda Attack

Barracudas cross the school of fish, catching unsuspecting prey in their jaws. They can also attack solitary prey. Barracuda fish stalk their victims swimming very slowly. Then, they accelerate as an arrow. If a barracuda loses prey and cannot chase it, it looks for another.

Anyway, its ritual consists of first tearing its victim into large pieces, moving away, and consuming them as it swims in circles. In fact, barracuda fish are scavengers as well. They usually take advantage of the bigger predators’ victims’ leftovers.


  • Do Barracudas Attack Humans?

Rarely, a barracuda attacks a human. There are no reports of unprovoked attacks, there are only incidents involving spearfishing.

In fact, they unnervingly approach scuba divers following them as if they were other predators.

Talking about scuba diving with barracuda fish, it is important to remember to wear non-reflective items because they are very appealing to them.


  • Barracuda Speed

Another of the most interesting barracuda fun facts is its speed. Thanks to its aerodynamic shape and its large caudal fin, it is estimated that a large barracuda can reach 56mi/h 90km/k in a few seconds.


  • Barracuda Teeth

Barracudas have mouths with plenty of very sharp teeth; from 140 to 220, actually.

A great barracuda has two sets of teeth. The outer row is only on the upper jaw. It has small, needle-like teeth that are useful for severing.

The inner row has large fang-like teeth on both the upper and lower jaw. They use them to grip and pierce their prey.

Another fact about barracuda fish is that despite having so many teeth on both jaws, they fit, allowing them to close their mouth completely.

3. Barracuda Predators

Although they are a class of fish with few enemies, some fish prefer them in their diet. These are sharks, dolphins, tuna, goliath grouper, and humans.


4. Is It Safe to Eat Barracuda?

Not only is barracuda safe to eat, but according to various forums, its meat is delicious.


5. Barracuda Size

The size of the barracuda depends on the species. The largest Barracuda is the great barracuda. Mature specimens can reach 60–100 cm (24–39 in) in length.


6. Where Do Barracudas Live?

Barracudas live in all the tropical and subtropical seas of the world. They are common in Florida, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean generally.

They drift around mainly in the vicinity of islets and coral reefs. Although the young live in shallow coastal waters, the adult specimens prefer deep ones greater than 20m / 65 ft.

7. Types Of Barracuda

There are more than 20 different species of barracudas. The most common in the Caribbean Sea are these.

Great Barracuda

The bigger barracuda has a large underslung jaw and pointed teeth. Usually has scattered, dark blotches. They have two, low, widely separated dorsal fins and large forked tails. They are usually solitary or in small groups.

great barracuda

Southern Sennet

They live in small or large groups and some of them have two faint yellowish body stripes.


As southern sennet, guaguanco are also usually sighted in schools or batteries (a group of barracuda’s name). Their shape is very similar to southern sennet.

8. Barracuda Reproduction

The main barracuda reproduction facts tell us that these animals gather in schools during the mating season, which runs from spring to autumn.

The females spawn near the surface. Then, males inseminate them. An adult female can lay around 30,000 eggs in a single clutch.

The sexual maturity of males occurs approximately three years after birth, and females need one more year.


9. Barracuda Behavior

We have already told you the main barracuda fish behavior facts, but we forget a point. When they are not hunting, barracudas let themselves drift swimming slowly through the water in complete communion with the environment.

Now, you know the more interesting barracuda fish facts. Do you have any barracuda fun facts to add? Please tell us on Facebook.

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