This article is about getting to know the nudibranch species of the Caribbean and how doing so will improve your life. Yes, you read that right!
I have a friend who says that what matters most in life is moving the needle. Moving the needle means doing things that are worthwhile, that mean something, and that improve your existence.
And you might ask, “What do nudibranch species have to do with moving the needle?” Well, it’s simple: sometimes the needle moves in the rational world — you change jobs, invest in stocks, buy a house… Other times, it moves in the emotional world, helping you feel better, happier, more fulfilled.
You already know how to do that because you’re a diver, and scuba diving is one of those things that changes and enhances your life.
Well, this article will make your dives even better, meaning it will improve your life. Why? Because you’re about to discover more about the nudibranch species of the Caribbean. These tiny marvels are probably something you tend not to notice unless pointed out to you!