If you are looking for the best PADI IDC Price, you are seriously thinking about changing your life.
A Chinese proverb says “A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step”
We might think that the most difficult thing is to know what you want your destination to be, but if you are searching for the good value PADI IDC Price, you already know where you want to go. Now you have to find the courage to take that first step. Like Jacobo’s courage. Let me tell you about him. Jacobo worked in the financial department of a marketing agency. He had a bright future as an economist, a good salary, a financially solvent life. What more could he hope for? But Jacobo wanted much more.
He wanted to live adventures, develop new skills, and make his hobby his profession. He wanted to teach, dive and travel. In other words, Jacobo wanted to be a PADI Diving Instructor!
So, he packed his bags, took the first flight to Playa del Carmen, and arrived at Dressel Divers ready to make his dream come true. Here, he found the Dressel Divers training project and took advantage of it.
In this way, he became a PADI Dive Instructor and began his adventure in the diving industry. And boy did he do that! Currently, he is the Manager of Dressel Divers headquarters in Valencia, Spain, but that is another story.