2. Why Are Earplugs Dangerous for Scuba Diving?
At first glance, scuba diving ear plugs might seem like a great idea. After all, keeping water out of your ears should help prevent infections and discomfort, right?
Well, the problem isn’t the water—it’s the trapped air.
When you dive, pressure increases with depth. Your body is designed to adjust: your ears, sinuses, and mask all need to equalize. But if you insert an earplug for scuba diving, you’re creating an air trap. The air between your eardrum and the earplug gets stuck, unable to escape or equalize.
The Result?
- Pain that intensifies as you descend
- Risk of barotrauma (think of your eardrum being squeezed like a balloon)
- Possible eardrum rupture if the pressure difference becomes too extreme
And if that’s not enough to make you rethink using earplugs for scuba diving, there’s more.
Earplugs Can Move… or Even Get Sucked into Your Ear
Yes, you read that right.
Pressure changes can cause an earplug to shift deeper into your ear canal, becoming stuck. Worse, when you ascend, the sudden pressure change can create a vacuum effect, sealing the earplug against your eardrum like a suction cup.
The Solution?
A painful trip to the doctor to have it removed. Sounds fun, right?
But wait—haven’t you heard that there are specialized scuba diving ear plugs? Let’s take a closer look.