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Scuba Test: A, B, or C – How Skilled of a Diver Are You?

You are a diver, yes, but… Are you really good or do you just have high self-esteem? If you belong to the former, you will likely score a 10 on this scuba test.

With this brief 10-question dive test, our intention is not to moralize anyone but to uncover flaws that often become deeply ingrained over the years.

Yes, a diver can cease being a novice, but they will always remain a learner. That’s why your current level doesn’t matter; you can take this scuba diving test to not only discover how you perceive yourself as a diver but also how skilled others perceive you to be.

Do you dare to find out? Who said fear? Come on, brave one, be honest and take this scuba test!

1. Scuba Test: 10 Questions


1. How do you manage buoyancy when switching equipment or moving from saltwater to freshwater?

a. I always weigh myself as if I had to sink the Titanic.

b. I check the amount of weight I carry; I don’t like to carry too much to control buoyancy.

c. Not only do I check the amount of weight, but I also change the weight distribution throughout my body.

2. What is your position while diving?

a. Who cares? That’s the fun of diving! I can move however I want on the seabed.

b. I try to move in a horizontal position, but my legs often hang down.

c. I’m flatter than Tom Cruise doing a low flyover of the Top Gun control tower.

3. How do you behave underwater?

a. I use my arms and legs to move forward.

b. I only use my legs to move forward, but I have to constantly fight gravity to keep them horizontal and avoid touching the corals.

c. I never use my arms, I use the appropriate kick for each moment, I move slowly, and I breathe slowly and evenly.

4. How do you ascend?

a. I start inflating the BCD underwater, and at the safety stop, I hit the BCD inflator and shoot up like the Challenger.

b. I ascend slowly, but to be able to make the safety stop, I have to inflate the BCD.

c. I perform the 5-minute safety stop with neutral buoyancy and hardly any air in my BCD. Then I ascend using the strength of my legs, so it still takes me a minute to finish the ascent. I only inflate the BCD once I have my head out of the water.

5. How often do you renew your equipment?

a. My equipment is vintage, my wetsuit stands up on its own.

b. I renew each part of the equipment when it starts to give me trouble.

c. Every time my wife or kids have a birthday. I give them mine as a gift, and I buy myself a new one.

6. How often do you check the pressure gauge?

a. When I’m back on the boat, to see how much I’ve used and show off to the suckers who consume more than me.

b. Around halfway through the dive because I have a rough idea of my consumption rate based on the depth.

c. At 20 minutes, then every 10 minutes, and from there, approximately every 5 minutes.

7. How do you store and carry your diving equipment?

a. Store it? In the way it falls. If I’m carrying it, the regulator around my neck, the mask in one hand, the fins in the other, the weight belt over my shoulder…

b. I store it in a mesh bag or a plastic box like a farmer’s one. I place the fins at the bottom and the rest of the equipment without any specific order.

c. I have a dive bag with compartments, and I store the equipment in reverse order of how I’ll need it.

8. Do you perform buddy checks before each dive?

a. What’s the point?

b. Absolutely.

c. The dive check and the bubble check.

9. What do you do when there’s a strong current?

a. Move away from the bottom to avoid hitting the corals.

b. I position myself at the same depth as the Divemaster.

c. I stick to the bottom like a limpet.

10. What do you do when your buddy doesn’t pay attention during the dive?

a. If he ignores me, I’ll ignore him too. That would be great!

b. I insist that he looks at me.

c. I hide to teach him a lesson.

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2. This is How You Are Based on Your Score in the Dive Test

The majority of answers to the scuba test are A: You need to improve your skills! Your answers indicate that you have some inappropriate practices and lack attention to important details. We recommend that you review your knowledge and practice more to increase your safety and enjoyment underwater. Our advice is for you to take a Refresher Scuba Course the next time you dive.

Predominant answers B to the scuba test: You are on the right path to improvement! Your answers indicate that you are taking steps to become a better diver. Although there is still room for improvement, you are demonstrating more awareness and commitment. Keep practicing and learning to perfect your skills and reach a higher level. It’s time for you to take the leap. How about taking the next level of certification?

Majority of answers C: If the majority of your answers to this diving quiz are C, you are a Pro! Your answers demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skill in diving. You are aware of the details and practice good techniques. Although you can sometimes come off as a bit pretentious, your experience and dedication have made you an outstanding diver. Keep enjoying your dives and sharing your passion for diving with other enthusiasts. Have you considered becoming a Dive Instructor?

3. The Reasons Behind Your Scuba Diving Test Score

The scuba test you just completed is not like the tests in Cosmopolitan. It was created by our diving expert, Victor Córdoba, and each question has a purpose.

1. How do you manage buoyancy when changing equipment or transitioning from saltwater to freshwater? This question is a scuba diving practice test and refers to buoyancy control and trim. It is crucial to be aware that only those who properly adjust their buoyancy in any environment will have optimal buoyancy control.

2. What is your body position while diving? If the previous question in the scuba diving test focused on buoyancy, this one emphasizes trim. Trim refers to the diver’s balance in the water. To achieve correct trim, the body position should be aligned with the direction of movement.

The ideal trim for recreational divers, who typically swim while looking at the bottom without touching the coral to avoid damaging it, is a horizontal position, which also assists with buoyancy.

This question highlights the difficulty of achieving perfect balance, as the key is to distribute the weights along the diver’s body, allowing the center of gravity to be positioned as desired.


3. How do you behave underwater?

He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone first’

Yes, even Victor used his arms and legs on his first dive.  It is a typical mistake that will fade away as far as you refine your buoyancy control and gain experience.

Additionally, this helpful scuba diving swim test has a secondary implication related to air consumption. If your results in the diving quiz were mostly A or B, you are spending a lot of air and we recommend reading the article “10 Technical Diving Tips to Reduce Air Consumption.”


4. How do you ascend? This question in the dive test emphasizes the importance of correctly performing the safety stop. A safety stop, as the name implies, is a safety protocol. Skipping it or performing it incorrectly puts the diver at risk of decompression sickness. Regardless, the ascent speed should be slow, and the safety stop should be performed. To achieve both objectives, the buoyancy control device should remain deflated.


5. How frequently do you renew your equipment? This question in the scuba diving test has no hidden agenda. Diving equipment needs to be in optimal condition for proper functioning, so it should be replaced when necessary. Although diving enthusiasts often choose to do it more frequently. Not pointing fingers at anyone. Right, Victor?

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6. How often do you check the pressure gauge?

The pressure gauge serves to constantly monitor the tank pressure. With this information, the diver controls the consumption of breathable gases and adjusts the dive time to avoid running out of air.

Well, our scuba diving test highlights the importance of checking it. Believe it or not, there are people who don’t check it. However, more experienced individuals do so systematically.


7. How do you store and carry your diving equipment?

Diving equipment keeps you alive underwater, which is why we must be careful not to damage it when handling it incorrectly. Therefore, carrying and storing it correctly is crucial. This dive test emphasizes that the best divers also optimize the time spent on equipment management.


8. Do you perform buddy checks before each dive?

Speaking of dive tests, if you answered B or C to this question, congratulations! It would be an honor for me to dive with you as a buddy.


If you answered A, please accept my apologies. However, nobody focused on safety would want to be your dive buddy if they knew this. Please urgently read the article Buddy Check: How to Do a Proper Scuba BWRAF?


9. What do you do when there is a strong current?

Diving in current is common in Dressel Divers’ locations, and although it requires simple techniques, it is important to know them for safe drift diving. This question in the dive test reveals a pro tip: sticking to the bottom reduces the current effect on your body.


10. What do you do when your buddy doesn’t pay attention during the dive?

The last question in the scuba test refers to the first rule of diving: never dive alone, even if your buddy sometimes does.


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